Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week 10-9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 the mission is done!

Dear fellow passengers and our guide Donna,

Here we are at the end of this amazing journey. As sad as it sounds it’s not the end of the road. Our paths may meander differently but are goal in becoming better teachers offering our students the most of their learning is the same. During these 10 weeks we had our ups and downs, good and better days.  We were racing for time but all of us ended up successfully! We managed to get the most out of this supportive learning community that we created.

Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to all of the people who made this course happen. I wish to say thank you to my marvellous colleagues from all over the World and friendly teacher Donna who made this environment supportive and positive. I learned a lot form all of you and I feel that all of us supplemented each other each and every minute of this amazing course. This experience will stay in my mind forever!

When it comes to evaluating the week’s tasks and readings, I found all the topics in this course useful. I loved the way methodology and technology were linked together throughout the weeks. All topics, regardless of their purpose were both vital to me. On the other hand, it is clear that I’ve mainly broaden my knowledge on the tolls for educational purposes. Although, I was familiar with some of them, during the past weeks, I’ve brushed my skills around them.  Well known tools, I now utilize in more effective way, using shortcuts and generally making the most out of them. For me, the precious was ANVILL and I intend to implement it among my students during this school year. My wish would be to know more on Collaboration Platforms such as Blackboard collaborate in order to use them in teaching.

To finish with, I simply loved this course as it teaches you the importance of the journey not merely the destination! I also have to commend this experience that confirmed my thoughts on how we should try to shift from teacher’s role to student's role more often in order not to forget how our students feel and what they needs are. This way we change perspectives with the purpose of understanding our students better. We walk in their shoes!

I wish to wrap my last post in my dear colleague Afika’s words how the end of the course is actually just the beginning itself! 

And just one small-BIG thing:  Dear colleagues, your learners are lucky to have you! I wish you and your students all the best! Thank you for making these ten weeks unforgettable!

Hope to see you soon at some of our favourite spots in our building Web society!


  1. Dear Karolina,

    It has been a complete joy to work with you these last 10 weeks, and I will miss you very much. I'm so glad you enjoyed the course. I know that your colleagues will miss your bright and insightful comments as well. I wish you the very, very best in all you do.


  2. Hi Karolina,

    I agree with you that we, teachers, should change...change is inevitable, is the only way to adapt and make improvement.

    I'll miss you for sure. Not only your comments and posts,also your wonderful, communicative pictures and colors.

